indian adj. 1.印度的;印度人的;印度文化的。 2.西印度群岛的,西印度群岛文化的;印第安人的,印第安文化的。 3.玉米做的。 n. 1.印度人。 2.印第安语。 3.过去长期住在印度的欧洲人〔尤指英国人〕。 4.〔the Indian〕【天文学】印度人座。 5.〔口语〕= Indian corn。
Owing to the concern about the 307 live indian star tortoises seized which were smuggled into hk i have been looking into the whereabouts and current situation of them . . 对于较早前在本港检获怀疑走私的307只印度星,检获该批只后数天均由渔护署暂时管理。
Owing to the concern about the 307 live indian star tortoises geochelone elegans seized which were smuggled into hong kong i have been looking into the whereabouts and current situation of them 对于较早前在本港检获怀疑走私的307只印度星,外间对该批星的下落及现况一直颇有兴趣。